Shockwave Therapy Burnaby Heights Physiotherapy

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Real Results, Real Relief

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Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that works by using the energy of high-intensity sound waves. These high-intensity sound waves are used to break up calcifications, scarring, and adhesions that form in your tendons and muscles and become chronically painful.

During this process, shockwave therapy also stimulates metabolism, enhances circulation and actually facilitates the regeneration of tissue. This means that we're manipulating your body into healing itself.

Treatment with shockwave can produce an immediate analgesic (pain-relieving) effect. This is due to the overstimulation of the nerve endings. Shockwave therapy can also retrain your nerves' perception of pain over time.

Common Conditions We Treat

Shockwave treatments have the potential to be useful for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. Some of the common soft tissue injuries we treat patients for are:

  • Shoulder pain, especially rotator cuff calcification
  • Tennis or golfer’s elbow (medial/lateral epicondylalgia)
  • Knee pain (jumper’s knee / patellar tendinopathy)
  • Hip pain
  • Shin pain (tibial stress syndrome)
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Chronic conditions of the neck, shoulder, and back
  • Heel pain (plantar fasciitis)
  • Shin splints
  • Painful muscular trigger points
  • Elbow pain
  • Breakup of scar tissue / damaged tissue repair
  • Chronic pain relief
  • Connective tissue problems
  • Stress fractures
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Sports-related injuries
  • Effective treatment for Plantar related issues
  • Scar tissue injuries

These are just a few examples of the wide variety of conditions effectively treated using this technology. In short: shockwave works! Many of our clients are now free from their chronic conditions and able to enjoy life more as a result.

shockwave therapy burnaby

Reasons to Choose Shockwave Therapy

  1. Shockwave therapy is completely safe and there aren't any serious side effects to worry about when undergoing shockwave therapy.
  2. Treatment is 100% non-invasive and an excellent alternative to surgery (non-surgical treatment).
  3. Treatment can provide immediate relief.
  4. Treatment can provide long-term results at a relatively low cost.
  5. Promotes blood circulation and blood vessel growth.

Treatment That Works

Shock wave treatments burnaby

Shockwave machines have been around since the 1980s. Nowadays, the service is more widely available and much less expensive, making this pain-relieving treatment an accessible option for many more people than in years past.

We (Burnaby Heights Physiotherapy) want you to feel confident when making the decision to try shockwave for the first time. Shockwave therapy has a proven track record of success. Here’s what some of the statistics look like:

  • Shockwave therapy is completely safe and there aren't any serious side effects to worry about when undergoing shockwave therapy.
  • A remarkable 91% of calcific tendonitis patients saw improvement in their condition.
  • Similarly, 91% of plantar fasciitis patients saw improvement as well.
  • The improvement rate for tennis elbow was 77%
  • Overall, 80% of patients all over the world say that their problem has been helped thanks to shockwave.

The chances that you will experience improvements following treatment are very high.

Shockwave Therapy Burnaby Consultation

We’ve seen the powerful results shockwave delivers and witnessed many patients enjoy a pain-free life after our treatments.

We want you to be the next!

shockwave therapy in burnaby
Get back to YOUR normal function by calling Burnaby Heights Physiotherapy today or book an appointment through the booking application on our website. We can’t wait to see you in our office so we can get you on track to better health as soon as possible.

Insurance Partners

At Burnaby Heights Physiotherapy, we are committed to making your treatment as accessible and hassle-free as possible. That's why we proudly partner with leading insurance providers to offer direct billing services for our clients.

  • Pacific Blue Cross
  • Medavie Blue Cross (RCMP, Canadian Forces, Veterans Affairs)
  • ICBC
  • WSBC
  • Green Shield
  • Telus-Health (including Sun Life, Manulife, Canada Life)
  • Vancouver Coastal Health
  • And More!

Areas We Serve

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Shockwave Therapy Treatment Burnaby FAQs

1Are There Contraindications for Shockwave Therapy?
Yes. If you are pregnant, have a nerve or circulation disorder, a tumor, an open wound, or a metabolic bone condition shockwave therapy may not be an option for you. If you have had a cortisone injection to the affected area, it is best to wait 4-6 weeks before trying shockwave.
2Will I Feel Any Pain After the Treatment?
Any pain after treatment should be mild. You may have pain and see some slight bruising. Some swelling as well as numbness or tingling is normal. You may take Tylenol to help alleviate this if you wish.
3Will Shockwave Therapy be pain free?
Most people will only experience slight discomfort at most during treatment. If the sensation does end up feeling a bit too intense, your physiotherapist is able to adjust the settings to make it more tolerable for you.
4Are There Any Restrictions After the Treatment?
One of the key ways in which this effective treatment option works is by strategically activating the inflammatory response. For this reason, you want to avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen/Advil or icing the area just for the day of treatment. It is generally safe to exercise after treatment.
5How Often Will I Need a Treatment Session?
Treatments are typically done once a week, every week until your condition has improved.
6What to Expect During Treatment?
When performing Radial Shockwave Therapy, a gel is applied to the area to be treated in order to introduce the shockwaves into the body without energy losses. The pain zone is covered and encircled by the transducer head. Treatment usually lasts for about 5 minutes but may take a little longer for larger areas.
7How Many Treatments Will I Need?
The number of sessions required to start feeling good again varies from patient to patient. For patients with less serious areas of concern, 1 or a few treatments may be all that is needed. Many people get better between 3-5 treatments. 80% of all patients feel better after an average of 6-8 treatments.
8Is Shockwave Treatment Covered by Insurance?
Shockwave is covered by most major insurance plans provided it is directly billed by a physiotherapist. If you’re not sure what your insurance covers, it may be a good idea to call them and ask.